This page is aimed at young people registered at the Market Street Medical Practice.
If there is anything else you think would be helpful to have here, then please let us know.
You can get in touch here.
Did you know that anything you tell us will stay confidential. It doesn't matter if it is a doctor, nurse or receptionist - anything you tell us stays confidential. We won't tell your parents, other family members or teachers without your permission. The only reason we might have to consider passing on confidential information without your permission, would be to protect you or someone else from very serious harm. However, we would always do our best to discuss this with you first.
If you want advice about contraception, such as 'the pill', then speak to any doctor or nurse. There are loads of choices for you - we'll try and help you chose the best one for you. There is a 'Drop-in' contraceptive clinic on Thursday afternoons at the surgery, from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. You don't even need an appointment - just turn up. Remember - it's all confidential.